State of our Buisness

Good day everyone! I just wanted to take a moment and write down a few quick thoughts regarding the state of Tree awareness, Inc, from an inside perspective and how it relates to you all supporting us and giving us your business. I will start with principles and values and move out from there.

First, how we value your property, plants and trees has never been stronger.  We strive to show your property respect.  We bring solutions that consider the most recent science and interpret that science through the lens of 35 plus years of experience.  Oftentimes, revisiting our pruning and plant healthcare solutions year after year to measure the results makes certain we are on track.

Secondly, we would like you to understand that the talent pool from which we, and other trades select workers, is decidedly thin.  What makes it more difficult is that in order to protect our brand and your home, we have to be very discriminate with anyone we bring onto the team.  They must share our values, work standards, pass a drug screen, take a background check and have a valid driver's license. This process often reduces that group even more.  As the workload increases and production timelines lengthen, the temptation to make a quick hire increases.  The older I get and the longer I am in this game, the more resolute I become in holding the line on this process.  I believe everyone benefits.

Next, please know that with the departure of Mia, our seven year veteran operations manager, we have also gone through some administrative changes.  Many of you have had the pleasure of working with her over the years and know how effective she was.  Please know that Marlo, our new manager, is quite capable and comes with a strong resume of her own.  Marlo is getting some hands on mentoring and assistance from Mia herself and is growing in skills week to week.  

This brings me to some final thoughts regarding my personal schedule of work and sales.  The way the team is currently constructed leaves myself as the only active sales representative as well as the only field personnel who can handle the most difficult projects.  As the schedule is structured at present, I am doing timed appointments two days a week and working with the team three days a week.  I am also mixing in some un-timed appointments weekly to lessen the wait time for estimates.  Since the pandemic has everyone staying close to home this summer, people do not seem to be taking vacations and instead are investing in their homes.  This has us in an incredible state of gratitude!  We are super grateful to be busy and serving our clients.  So much can seem uncertain at times like these.  We are blessed by the busyness.  In addition, our summer storm season was very active thus far and has lengthened our wait times on the sales side as well as the production side.  Please know, as a team, we are savvy and possess a desire to dig out and shorten the wait times.  That being said, we also try to keep a balance of safety, family wellness and production as a three legged stool.  We want the people on our team as well as our extended Tree Awareness family to be focused and healthy to serve you well.

In summary, it is suffice to say we are busy.  We are grateful for all of you who have chosen to work with us over these last 27 years.  We are super pleased and encouraged by the patience and grace many of you display by being willing to wait to see me for your appointments and waiting on the production schedule to catch up with you for your tree work to be completed.  We will continue to recruit, hire and train the best and the brightest to serve you without compromise.

 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Paul

Paul Biester