RE-connect /crane school2021

The last year for most people has been fraught with many challenges: from the sublime, to the heavy. One of the things lost between human beings was our ability to connect. The small scale connections like shaking hands and hugging have been limited, as well as the bigger things, like working at home and not taking that summer vacation. All of these conditions transcend the things that separate us, and to one degree or another, created a shared experience of navigating difficulties. Within the tree care industry, many training events and normal points of connection such as our climbing competitions, and TCIA expo were put on hold. 

The tree care industry is a unique blend of hardworking people from all over the globe that find common ground in a love of trees, nature, and hard work. We also love to engage with one another, even if it is only once a year at a particular event. One such event is Crane safety climber school started by Pete the Crane Man. This class started back in 2011 and has brought high-level arborists, operators, and students from all over North America for advanced training. This event typically sells out within about 72 hours of the registration opening. Needless to say, the class for 2020 was suspended due to COVID. Fast forward one year, and the 2020 class is set to kick off this Thursday, April 15th and run through Saturday, the 17th. New friendships and associations will be formed and old ones renewed. On a personal note, in 2017 I was invited to participate as an instructor, and I find myself constantly elevated by being around this group. In personal development circles, we are told that we become like the people with whom we spend time. I find myself constantly challenged by this group to raise my level of performance and professionalism. So, I, along with many others, look forward with great anticipation to the start of this year's (last year's) class. 

My hope is as a country and group of professionals that this is a sign of greater things to come, that a sense of normalcy will return to our lives and industry. I have started to offer my hand again, in greeting friends and strangers, in hopes of beginning to re-engage and bring encouragement to people. Here is to a strong finish to 2021. See you at crane school and maybe even EXPO 2021!

Paul Biester