Reflections on time
Attending the garden state tree conference is always a good time. The New Jersey Chapter is my home chapter. It is where I have grown up in business these las 25 years. I have learned the most in my tree life journey right here. This group is my tribe, friends,mentors,colleagues.
This past week I had a unique and amazing opportunity to share some thoughts about managing time with this amazing group of hard working people. The thing is ,we all struggle with priorities and are sometimes shifting them moment to moment as challenges arise. What wasn’t lost on me was that even keeping commitments to this group can be tough sometimes. Things like work days, tree climbing competitions,and teaching classes to name a few. Sometimes family ,work, and volunteering for such things collide . The single best thing about this chance to share is that this group co- labors in the struggle. We all are faced with the same feeling of being beneath the wheel. We understand one another. We support one another. So as I have navigated the waters of prioritizing according to values I felt compelled to share! My hope is that we all take time to truly connect . With our families, teammates , clients , and perhaps some random individual (like Miguel ) who needs our help.
i am so grateful for my New Jersey Arborist family . So overwhelmed by the friendships I have made through work! Other people should be so lucky! You are smart, thoughtful hardworking and full of love. A great balance of toughness and kindness.
We are all faced with the same struggle of being beneath the wheel
Thank you to all the volunteers who worked so hard