It’s the Law

Last week I had the great pleasure of attending the Board of Licensed Tree Experts annual dinner. The dinner itself is always a very nice event with great food and even better fellowship.  

This year the main talk was all about the LTE act. This is the law which says anyone performing tree services in the state of New Jersey one must either be a Licensed Tree Expert or a Licensed Tree Care Operator. This talk was graciously and expertly given by Mike D’Errico . The grandfathering time period is passed and it is now time for companies and potential consumers to hop on board and be wary of those companies operating without the license. The benefit to clients is that companies must now have proper insurance, training and ethics or face corrective action by the board.

We, as a company, have tried to keep our clients and the public informed on the bill as things unfold. The Board also maintains a list of non-compliant companies for public knowledge . There may also be some slaps on the wrist for hiring non compliant companies. Please contact the board with any questions regarding a company’s status or issues.

All in all, this is a fantastic development for us as professionals and for the public. Please be patient as all of this is still very new. Stay tuned for updates

A slide from presentation

A slide from presentation

Paul Biester